A warm welcome!
In Lich you can scan QR-codes and NFC-Chips with descriptions of buildings.
For QR and NFC see INFO
New as bilingual App:
At interesting buildings in town you'll find QR-codes and NFC-chips. Alternatively will help you to find the buildings.
Have a good time whilst staying in Lich!
Do email us if you found this cityguide interesting or in case you have ideas for developing this site.
You'll find our addresses under "Info".
A warm welcome!
This is an online guide for the town of Lich.
You can have a look around Lich whilst still at home. You will find the most interesting buildings with a description and photos.

If you plan to visit Lich, owning a smartphone or tablet-computer with internet-connectivity, you can use this site as an historic town-guide once you are in Lich.
With your smartphone or tablet-pc you can scan the QR-code and save this webpage.
You may as well place a link to this site on your smartphone homescreen.
At interesting buildings in town you'll find QR-codes and NFC-chips to scan, leading you to the respective description. Alternatively little maps will help you to find the buildings.
Infos about QR-codes: QR-codes
In case you own a NFC-compatible smartphone, you'll find NFC-chips at the QR-codes.
Infos about NFC: NFC
We hope you to have a good time whilst staying in Lich!
Do email us if you found this town-guide interesting or in case you have any ideas for developing this site.
In case you can't see this webpage properly, please update your webbrowser!