
Archeological finds of the Stone Age and Bronze Age reveal, that there were settlements in the Wetter valley already.
Nieder-Bessingen is mentioned first in 1315. It was a fortified place with the church tower belonging to the fortification. From 1423 onwards it belonged to the Counts of Solms-Braunfels, since the 16th century churchwise to Lich.
Interesting houses are in Langsdorfer Straße 2, 3, 8/10 and in Grünberger Strasse 4 and Vordergasse 1, all dating from 1666 to 1677.
Protestant church
A church of Nieder-Bessingen is known fron 1315 on as "Bessingen inferior" is mentioned for the first time.
The churches tower is late gothic, has three storeys and a protruding chemin de ronde. At the door of the tower there are remains of gothic metal mounts, above a saints niche.
The top storey was used for defense and houses the bell cage.
At the side walls of the tower there are guild symbols: In the West 2 plates with scissors and plough, at the north side scissors and cloth, a lion, hammer, horseshoe and square.
To the south corner of the west side one can find an oxes head, a hammer and a two sided axe.

The nave dates from 1738. Of special interest is the original box-lock at the north side-door. The ceiling is flat with a valley and in the middle a stucco relief with a pelican.
The coats of arms in the windows were glazed in the mid of the 16th century and are the coats of arms of "Georg Oyers Brendel of Homburg" (in front of a landscape) and his wife "Anna of Bellersheim".
Another window contains the coats of arms of "Thomas of Colmar" (between a bagpiper and a lute player) and a second "Anna of Bellersheim". a third window has the coats of arms of the family "von Göns".
At the outside balustrade of the galleries are pictures of Christ, the Apostles and Evangelists.
The tower holds two bells from 1790, a third one had to be handed in for melting in World War I and got replaced in 1925 with the inscription: "In your grace, give us peace".
Abandoned medieval village Hausen
Halfway between Lich and Nieder-Bessingen once there was the village of Hausen, of which only the foundations of a church remain.
One can find it in following the road to Lich into the little wood and the parking to the left. Walking across the valley und crossing the Wetter and just before reaching the woods turning left.
Some 500 meters just before the next bigger path to the right into the woods the remains are between the trees not far from the edge of the wood.